Kashyapi Prajapati | Blogger at Technology News & Trends To Navigate The Digital World. Wed, 21 Dec 2022 15:05:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/favicon.png Kashyapi Prajapati | Blogger at Technology News & Trends 32 32 Top 4 problems that cloud solves with ease https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/top-4-problems-that-cloud-solves-with-ease/ https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/top-4-problems-that-cloud-solves-with-ease/#respond Sat, 02 Nov 2019 18:49:14 +0000 https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/?p=814 Technology has been acting as a magic wand for businesses for a very long time. Whether it was the emergence of the software era or the influx of the internet, every technological change has...

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Technology has been acting as a magic wand for businesses for a very long time. Whether it was the emergence of the software era or the influx of the internet, every technological change has made businesses more effective, quick, efficient, and productive.

Whether you are dealing in the accounting industry or the construction industry, technology must have left palpable results in your industry. It doesn’t matter whether you are using managed IT service providers or moving to an AI-based application, you are slowly drifting toward the technological trend and it will surely be good for your business.

But in this blog post, we are going to talk about one of the most revolutionary technologies that changed everything for business and that is the cloud.

Cloud computing was considered as an opulent technology during its initial phase but soon as the concept of cloud computing evolved, it opened its door for small and medium-sized businesses. Now, in the modern-day era, cloud computing has become the order of the day and its burgeoning uses show how deeply it has now integrated with industries.

But in this blog post, we are going to discuss the top 5 problems that the cloud has solved for businesses with ease.

1. Mobility

Mobility is something that wasn’t focused on much in the past. But now, due to the current landscape of the market and the changing business models, mobility has become paramount for every business. The acculturation from the non-mobile approach to mobility is a result of round-the-clock service and availability of the product.

cloud hosting mobility

The more mobile your firm will be more, the more active it can be. But mobility has never been an easy thing to achieve for businesses. This is because mobility requires a certain degree of global accessibility which has hard to attain. But all these things changed after the proliferation of the cloud.

With the help of the cloud, your employees can access the applications and hardware regardless of where they are. This simply means that your employees can easily work from home without any type of operational hitches. E.g. Office 365 ProPlus is a widely used premium collaboration tool by Microsoft which is popular among IT enthusiasts for enhanced productivity.

If you are going to shift to the cloud computing platform then all the physical hardware will be hosted offsite at a separate location and this will allow you to save lots of energy. There is no doubt that servers consume a large amount of electricity which means increased expenses.

You might have started thinking that this is an insignificant benefit of cloud computing but that’s not the case. In reality, this is the most important reason why businesses are now shifting to cloud computing solutions.

This being said, there are various types of cloud computing platforms private, hybrid, and public. If you are going to choose a private cloud computing platform then the physical hardware will be hosted internally. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t save money on the private cloud platform. In the case of a privately hosted cloud platform, all your resources will be allocated more efficiently in comparison to a traditional setup and that can result in cost-saving.

2. Network upgrade

For core IT professionals, network upgrade might be fun but for all other people including business owners, network upgrade is a cumbersome hitch that poses a serious threat. The upgrading network requires capital investment, they are tedious and disruptive. In addition to this, making everyone used to new technology can also prove to be a much bigger headache than getting republicans to agree on healthcare plans.

But with the help of the cloud, you can completely wipe out the need for network upgrades. Everything is hosted on the cloud platform and this is why you don’t have to upgrade onsite servers anymore. Your cloud hosting provider like QuickBooks hosting provider will take care of the upgrades to the backend infrastructure and in some cases, even provide licensing for the hosted applications as well. With cloud hosting, you will always have access to the latest and updated network without pouring money into it.

3. IT Maintenance

If parts and processes of your business are hosted on the cloud then you will not be responsible for managing them. For a handful of reasons, this is a very good thing for your business, especially if you are struggling to fulfill the required human resource for your company.

With no responsibility for IT maintenance, you will not have to assign your limited team members for managing and maintaining IT infrastructure. All these man-hours can be eliminated and they can be utilized for other important purposes.

In addition to time consumption, IT maintenance is expensive as well. It costs a lot to maintain technology. You will be surprised to know that IT maintenance costs more than hiring IT technicians and this is why cloud computing reduces your cost of IT maintenance as well.

Cloud computing is an effective cost-cutting solution most small business owners prefer cloud infrastructure over traditional IT infrastructure e.g. Let’s say an accounting firm owner prefers to use a tool such as QuickBooks Hosting on a windows DaaS from a reliable QuickBooks Hosting provider which is an affordable solution for his business.

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An uninterrupted shift from IT staff to Managed IT service provider https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/managed-it-service-provider/ https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/managed-it-service-provider/#respond Mon, 19 Aug 2019 21:50:41 +0000 https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/?p=223 If you are running a business, then you need to manage your IT infrastructure well. Otherwise you will not be able to capitalize on the benefits of your well-built IT infrastructure. Most of the...

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If you are running a business, then you need to manage your IT infrastructure well. Otherwise you will not be able to capitalize on the benefits of your well-built IT infrastructure. Most of the business owners think that just building a good IT infrastructure and equipping it with world-class equipment is enough but you should know that along with building a good IT infrastructure, the way in which it will be managed will also play a very crucial role in how the IT solutions are going to benefit your business.

Managed IT service support

There are many business owners that think they have the required expertise to manage their IT infrastructure, but you should know that most of the IT infra are very complex and they can’t be managed with the knowledge which you have gained through YouTube videos, some books, or through a couple of IT articles.

In order to manage a complex IT infrastructure, you need skilled people and since involving your IT staff in every IT infrastructure management is not a good way to move forward with your IT team, and that’s why now most of the people are shifting to the Managed IT service provider.

A Managed service provider in Maryland allows you to get rid of all your IT hassles and work at the peak efficiency of your IT infrastructure. In the modern-day world, managed IT services have become a new normal for everyone, and everyone wishes to free their IT staff so that they can focus on the job with a higher value.

But you should always have a seamless shift from IT staff to Managed IT service provider; otherwise, you can face resistance, and it can create a problem for you. So, let’s take a look at how you can shift from IT staff to Managed IT service provider without any hassle.

Decide On In-House And Outsourcing

One of the first things which you should decide before even starting to search for a Managed IT service provider is that which part of your IT infrastructure you are going to keep in-house and which part you are going to outsource.

This can be decided by considering two important factors in mind: which part of your IT infrastructure has a bigger impact on your business and how skilled enough your IT team is.

First of all, if you think that your IT staff is not capable enough to handle some of the most complex IT solutions, then you should immediately put those solutions and part of your IT into the outsourcing category.

In addition to this, those parts of your IT infrastructure that have a higher strategic impact on your business should be outsourced as it will get professional management from the MSP.

Keep Your IT Team In Mind

Before planning to shift to an MSP, you should never forget to consider the morale of your IT team in mind. Whether your team will be excited about the new opportunities for learning due to the shift? Or will they be frightened about their future as some of the IT parts will be no more in their hand? You should know that bringing an external party might alter the dynamics of your group if you don’t consider their morale.

So, before planning to shift to an MSP, you should consult your IT team and know what their perception about the shift is. You should always keep this thing in mind that you are not going to completely wipe out the IT team from your organization, and that’s why you need to consider them while shifting.

Choose The Best Managed IT, Service Provider

One of the essential things which you need to keep in mind if you want to have a seamless shift from IT staff to Managed IT service provider is choosing the best-managed services companies in Los Angeles which acts as a backbone for your company, and that’s why you should do much careful while picking one.

When you are working with the right managed IT services in Los Angeles, you can believe that your network has done fine-tuned to sustain the demanding requirements of your growing business. There are various parameters to look for while choosing a managed IT service providers like security, experience, education, and expertise of the IT team being provided by the MSP.

Just by searching for managed IT service provider, you will be able to get a long list of managed IT service provider, after that you can make a pool of some of the best hosting providers and then you can choose the best one by analyzing them on various parameters mentioned in this blog post.

Ask About Their Onboarding Process

Before finalizing an MSP for your business who will take care of the IT of your business, you should ask about the on-boarding process of your potential managed IT, service provider. The onboarding process should include training days, 30 days check-in, and a feedback process t minimum. The on-boarding process will make your shift seamless and that’ why you should never miss inquiring about them.

Build A System To Evaluate The Success

Just choosing an IT service provider and living everything on them will not be a good way to move forward with the plan of outsourcing your IT solution and therefore, you should build a system to analyze the success.

In this system, you should make a plan to monitor the work of your MSP and how it has changed your business approach towards IT management. Most of the managed IT service providers will keep you updated about their work, but since it is your business; therefore, it becomes your responsibility to have a transparent view of everything.

Shifting to a managed IT service provider can be one of the best decisions of your business, and that’s why you should never leave such decisions in the pending list for a very long period of time. Managed IT service providers offer a wide range of services like NOC services, Managed Firewall services and much more. You should follow the steps mentioned in this blog post in order to have a seamless shift from IT staff to managed IT service provider.

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A detailed explanation of public, hybrid, and private cloud https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/public-hybrid-and-private-cloud/ https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/public-hybrid-and-private-cloud/#respond Sat, 17 Aug 2019 22:22:32 +0000 https://www.technologynewsntrends.com/?p=213 In the current technology-driven era, everyone is dependent upon technology and the most surprising thing about it is that most of the people are not even aware about some of the marvelous technologies that...

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In the current technology-driven era, everyone is dependent upon technology and the most surprising thing about it is that most of the people are not even aware about some of the marvelous technologies that they are using on a daily basis. Since the introduction of the internet, many new technologies have arrived and completely changed the way we used to work, react, interact and express our self. The list of revolutionary technologies is very long as every day, new technologies are being launched in the market but some of them leave a deep impact on the people and businesses and one such technology is cloud computing.

public private and hybrid cloud

Cloud computing is being used by us and most of the businesses on a daily basis and still many people are not aware about it. From social media sites to app development, from application hosting to data storage, the amazing cloud computing solution is being everywhere but everyone doesn’t use the same cloud model. One of the best examples of cloud computing implementation is the QuickBooks hosting which is offered by QuickBooks hosting providers.

There are basically three different cloud models that we use including public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. If you are not able to decide which cloud model will be best for your company or not able to differentiate between these three cloud models then you are at the right place as in this blog post, we are going to discuss about these three cloud models so that you can understand the basic difference between them and choose the best one for your company.

Public cloud

Public cloud is one of the most popular and common ways of deploying cloud computing. In fact, it is the public cloud which comes in the mind of most of the people when they talk about cloud computing technology. In this popular model of cloud, the server and storage are owned by a third party cloud service provider and it is delivered over the internet. So, the thing which makes public cloud ‘public’ is the hosting by a third party service provider like Google, IBM, Amazon or Microsoft.

Through this third party cloud service, the user is able to access and share basic computer infra which includes storage, hardware, and bandwidth. The public cloud is very cheap and that’s why it is very popular among small and medium-sized businesses. You can check QuickBooks hosting cost (a type of public cloud) and understand why it is so famous among SMEs. The public cloud options like the affordable QuickBooks hosting makes it very easy for SMEs to fuel their businesses on the advantages of cloud.

In the public cloud model, a user shares the hardware, storage and other network devices with other people who are known as cloud tenants. The user accesses the cloud services through a web browser and it is mostly used to offer services like web-based email, online office application, storage, testing and much more.

Common advantages of public cloud

  • As discussed above, one of the most common advantages of choosing the public cloud is affordability. The public cloud is much cheaper than the other two cloud models.
  • You are also able to get rid of the hassle of IT maintenance as the cloud provider takes care of it.
  • Scalability is another great advantage of the public cloud model.

Private cloud

The private cloud, as the name suggests, is a private cloud infrastructure that is used only by a single user or organization. The cloud infrastructure in the case of a private cloud can be later owned and managed by the organization using it or by a third party or by both of them. Some organization that finds it difficult to manage their cloud infrastructure chooses the services of managed IT service provider who manage and keep the cloud infrastructure up and running. You should know that in the case of private cloud, the cloud infrastructure is mostly situated on the organization’s premise but it may be hosted in a third party data center. With the help of the amazing private cloud model, organizations are able to great configurability support, full control, and ultra-secure environment.

If an organization needs strict security, strong data privacy level, great adaptability, high configurability, and maximum flexibility then it can go for the private cloud model but that organization also needs to be big enough to manage the high cost involved in building and managing a next gen cloud infrastructure.

Common advantages of private cloud

  • Private cloud offers maximum flexibility because in the firm can customize the cloud solution in order to meet the business needs.
  • The security of private cloud is also better than the other two cloud models since it is not shared with anyone and thus, organizations have higher level of control.
  • High scalability is another great advantage of the private cloud model.

Hybrid cloud

The Hybrid cloud which is also known as the best of both worlds mixes the on-premise cloud model or what is popularly known as private cloud with the very popular public cloud so that organizations can reap the advantage of both cloud models. So, if you are looking for a mid way to move to the cloud by taking advantages of both public and private cloud then the hybrid cloud will be the best option for you. You should know that in the hybrid cloud model, cloud bursting is an option.

Common advantages of hybrid cloud

  • One of the best advantages of hybrid cloud is control as your firm can maintain a private infrastructure for sensitive data and work.
  • The hybrid cloud model also offers the required flexibility to the user.
  • And the best part about hybrid cloud is that even after being a mix of both private and public cloud, it is still a cost-effective solution.

So, now you have understood the basic difference between public, private and hybrid. Having a better understanding about the different cloud models will help you to choose the best one without any hassle.

Helpful Resources:
1. Anilinkz And Its Top 20 Best Alternatives to Watch Anime For Free Online – Anilinks, Best Anime Streaming Sites, Anime Sites, Best Anime WebSites, Watch Anime Online
2. Animefreak And Its Top 10 Best Alternatives to Watch Free HD Animes Online – Animefreaks, Anime Freak TV, AnimeFreak.TV
3. Masterani And Its Top 10 Best Alternatives to Watch Free HD Animes Online Free – tv shows online, Movies online, masterani.me, reddit, redux, kodi Krypton Addon
4. Nasza Klasa | Popular Polish Community Service.
5. What is ZingBox? Definition, Features, Functions and More
6. Write For Us – Technology News and Trends
7. What is LMGTFY Let Me Google That for You? – Definition and Uses
8. How to Program a RCA Remote Control? | Universal Remote
9. How To Activate A Disabled iPhone/iPad After Using Wrong Passcode
10. 7 Best Screen Protector for Galaxy S8 in 2019
11. YouTube Repeat – How to Repeat Videos on YouTube?
12. 10 Best Alluc Alternatives – Watch FREE Movies & TV in 2020

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