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5 Email Marketing Best Practices for 2021

The benefits of email marketing are long-established: Doing so correctly can ensure that you give your customers world-class content, provide them with helpful information, position yourself as an expert, and turn a lead into a sale.

However, as the field continues to evolve, so do the best practices for your emails. Therefore, it would help if you kept experimenting and adapting new email marketing tactics to get the best results.

As such, here are five email marketing best practices.

1. Automate What You Can

Email automation has come a long way since its inception. Thanks to various advanced algorithms, you can create entire sales funnels that are vastly automated, thus ensuring that you make a set process for any customer.

You have to find the best possible Email service, and as a business, you should integrate your sales with any CRM, but there is plenty of opportunity within this area to automate this process. Doing so can save you time and create a set procedure in which you can make a sale.

2. Create Value-Added Content

Most people aren’t reading your Emails in the hopes of buying more from you. Instead, they are reading it to see what sort of value-added content you may be able to provide to them.

To that end, if you want your Email opened, remember, you have to give someone a reason to open it. So everything variety of content can you create to enrich a person’s life and subtly assist them in purchasing from you?

3. A/B Testing Works

There is a reason that A/B testing is so popular: It works. A/B testing involves sending Emails that are identical – with one exception – to a small segment of your list, then using the results of that Email to determine what content is extra likely to be prepared and clicked on.

Make sure to engage in A/B testing before you send an Email to your list. Doing so can help you determine what subject and call-to-action are most helpful.

4. Personalize the Emails

“Dear customer” is not the best way to build engagement with your prospective sales and leads. Instead, personalize the Emails.

Collecting names is excellent, of course, but is there other data you can use to personalize and customize the content? This gets into Email list segmentation, but it can be an advantageous way of enhancing the usefulness of your Emails.

5. Time Your Emails Right

The timing of your emails matters. There are some general tips about the best time to send marketing emails, but it is worth remembering that every business is different.

You can do A/B testing with your Emails’ timing to determine what timeframe will get you the highest open rates and the most click-throughs.

Emails remain a compelling way of connecting with your customers – as long as you do it right. So follow those tips, and you will be well on your way towards creating world-class Email content that your customers will read.

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